“1 of 1” means unique and irreplaceable

It is a simple phrase to understand, sure. Anyone can say it aloud or write in on a piece of paper.

But, truly absorbing its meaning and believing it applies to your identity can be an exceedingly difficult battle. The reality is that life can be hard and comparison can be far too easy.

NOCLONE is more than a brand - It is designed to inspire individuals to realize their biggest strength stems from the fact that there is no one else out there just like them. 

Nobody but you can get the job done.


The development of NOCLONE isn’t something that happened overnight. In fact, whether we knew it or not, it has been years in the making.

When we met our freshman year of college, we instantly became inseparable. Fast forward six years later, we are now living in Tampa, FL and honestly we might as well be referring to light years. Through many trials and tribulations, we’ve grown to truly embrace who we are and try to always let our personalities shine through.

At the end of the day, if someone doesn’t like what you have to bring to the table… they can leave. 

Nobody is you and that is your power. (We even have ‘I am one of one’ tattooed on our spines, so trust us, we mean it). 

We hope that the meaning behind NOCLONE is one that everyone can take something away from. As we navigate through our twenties, creating a brand with our best friend is something that we have always dreamed of doing.  We appreciate everyone who supports us during this journey!

- Maggie & Cole